Make Your Easter Magical – Hooked On You Australia

Make Your Easter Magical

Wow, it’s almost Easter and here at Hooked On You, we couldn’t be more excited! With so many delightful activities (the perfect chance to sport some adorable Easter-themed clay earrings if you ask us!) and surprise Easter gifts, this is a time of fun for the whole family!

Whether you celebrate with religious intent or simply for the bunnies and eggs, we have a few ideas you can incorporate in your festivities this year that both adults and kids can enjoy. 

First on the List…

The Easter Egg Hunt

One of the most popular activities we simply can’t fail to mention is the infamous Easter egg hunt. Include your family, friends, neighbours, and even some of the local community! When I was little, the adults in the street arranged a street hunt - each house would put a small handful of eggs through their front yard, so that the children could hunt in a big group over the course of an entire street - it was TONNES of fun to share the excitement with lots of people over a longer distance.

You can also take it a step further and add to the excitement by creating a theme for the hunt and including some painted eggs along with it. 

Get Colourful and Creative 

Speaking of painted eggs, tie-dying is another way to get creative this holiday. Grab a dozen eggs from the shops, some food colouring, a pair of gloves, and start creating beautifully vivid hard-boiled eggs you can even snack on. Try it, you may just be surprised what cute creations you can design!  
We loved doing this method from Finding Myself Young 

Play Some Games

If you want to try something a bit different, you could try the Greek Easter game of Tsougrisma, played with dyed red eggs.

How to Play
Each player holds a red egg, and one taps the end of her or his egg lightly against the end of the other player's egg. The aim is to crack your opponents egg without cracking your own. 
While cracking the eggs, one person says, "Christos Anesti" (Christ has risen!), while the other person says, "Alithos Anesti" (Indeed he has risen!), symbolising Christ emerging from the tomb.
How to Win
The player who successfully cracks both ends of their opponent's egg is declared the winner and, it is said, will have good luck during the year.
The best bit about this game is that everyone has their 'proven' method about how to win - there are no rules about which end of the egg to tap first, how to hold it, or how to tap the egg against the other - so everyone comes up with "their way" that is "guaranteed" to work - what a way to create some fun family drama! 

In our family we buy a large Easter bunny as the final prize (but usually this gets smashed up and shared amongst everyone)!

Dig in Everyone

Who doesn’t love Easter brunch? If you’re never indulged before, make a plan to put together a delicious meal this year for your family and friends to sit down and enjoy. Bake some hot cross buns and a delicious glazed ham and decorate the table with lilies for a truly complete Easter experience.   

A Crafty Moment  

Both parents and their kids can enjoy creating Easter baskets and crafts together! Gather some decorated eggs, marshmallow chicks, chocolate or candy, and some stuffed toy bunnies.

Scour the internet for interactive and engaging crafts that can utilise some of the supplies you already have in your home. And if you ask us, this is the perfect time to add several little Easter gifts for kids in their baskets! 

Surprise Your Loved Ones

Perhaps one of the most exciting activities is gift-giving! Taking the time to search and purchase small surprises for family and friends can be another lovely way to appreciate the holiday.

Some of our favourite Easter gifts for Australia are Hooked On You’s cute clay earrings, perfect for everyone to style! We feature a variety of designs in all colours so you’re guaranteed to find one that fits your shopping list.

Find more of our Easter-themed earrings here:  

Easter is such an incredible time for people of all ages to celebrate and a chance to sprinkle some excitement into our life! Make it a time to relax and enjoy yourself with your family and friends. Try some of the activities we mentioned above to make it even more special for everyone. And most importantly, don’t forget to have fun!  


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